It is one thing to be influenced by the things you see on Instagram but it’s something completely different if your entire feed is just poor reproductions of someone else’s images/ideas.
It is an inarguable fact that Instagram provides a great source for inspiration but far too often these days rather than providing inspiration people seem quite happy to copy an image, without credit and garner all those fake internet points they so treasure. The audience is not to be blamed as more than likely they don’t know better, but the creators, if you can call them that, they most certainly do. The platform unfortunately rewards such behaviour, lavishing these glorified photocopying machines with that which they oh so desire. The momentary attention and approval of complete strangers.
So here in lies my question. Are you trying to be a better photographer or win internet points? Because, doing the above will not lead to the former. You don’t get better by copying and while I understand that’s where a lot of us start, there is a point where we must move pass that if we wish to grow.
If photography is something you consider a passion, get out there and shoot for yourself. Work to find your own compositions and ideas. You may not win the adulation of the faceless masses but I guarantee you, you will be a far better photographer for it.